Monday, August 6, 2007

This is not pornographic...

One of my ears is unhappy because it got stung by an angry-ass wasp from Traci's shed. Can you guess which one?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Jake is 1

Friday, July 13, 2007

Jake's 1st Birthday BBQ July 21st 1-5

jake's 1st birthday bbq bash is on july 21st, saturday 1-5
please join us. also...does anyone have troy/anita's and chris/peggy's email?
bring something to grill if you want. we will have beer, snacks (pronounced "schnackks") and cake, of course.
sweeeeeeeeeeet! hope you can make it!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

block head party

oh ma gahh, we totally need to start planning the aug 4th block party. thoughts?


Monday, July 2, 2007

Garden gnome

Thursday, June 28, 2007

For Traci and johnna

Traci, Johnna, and I had a friendly discussion about adoptive mothers nursing tonight, after my new boss made a remark making me think she was going to do it. So it turns out that women can, even if they have never had a pregnancy before.
From the "encyclopedia of adoption":

A small number of adoptive mothers choose to nurse their infants, and it is possible to induce lactation in a woman who has never borne children or never been pregnant. Even if an adoptive mother produces a tiny amount of milk or no milk at all, the tactile closeness to her infant is a very positive experience for many mothers.

The baby's sucking at the breast will further stimulate the production of milk. In some cases, the adoptive mother may have breast-fed biological or adopted children previously. She will need to "relactate" for her new baby.

If the adopting mother knows weeks or months ahead of time that the baby will be arriving, she may opt to use a breast pump to begin stimulating the breasts to induce a milk supply.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Big Lebowski

We are playing the Big Lebowski this evening Friday, the 22nd of June. Come one, come all. See you then.

Peace out.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Historic Photos

I came across these picts in the library's archives...
Car and school bus accident, Smith and Magnolia; Fort Collins, Colorado. (1966)

Forrest Hall (4 1/2 months), in baby buggy at 508 East Magnolia with 512 Magnolia in background, Fort Collins, Colorado. (1911)

326 Smith, 330 Smith (1995)

Hay truck accident, Riverside and Smith; Fort Collins, Colorado. (1967)


oski is lame

Just look at this ridiculous 'bear'.

testicles testicles, 1, 2, 3

just testickling this blog thingy. tanya

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Geeks Who Drink

Jay, Tori and I represented at 'Geeks Who Drink' trivia night last Wednesday. I won a free porno entitled 'Chicks Who Pound Sand' (see photo) and several 'What Would Jesus Do' buttons. It's a pretty fun night and the Trailhead has good wings and $2 beers so we should plan another trip soon with a larger contingent.

Smith and Magnolia intro

This group is for residents and neighbors of the Smith and Magnolia intersection. Chat, coordinate gatherings and outings, announce backyard movies, solicit help in digging holes and dragging trees, trash-talk Cal Berkeley, offer free plants, share home-brewing techniques, post photos, plan block parties, gossip, etc...